Sunday, February 10, 2013

What You Need to Know About the Seattle Teachers' Rebellion and the Deeply Flawed Test That Inspired It

What You Need to Know About the Seattle Teachers' Rebellion and the Deeply Flawed Test That Inspired It:

What You Need to Know About the Seattle Teachers' Rebellion and the Deeply Flawed Test That Inspired It

Wednesday, 06 February 2013 10:47By Sarah JaffeAlterNet | Report
High school teachers in Seattle are saying no to the spread of high-stakes standardized tests. On January 10, the staff of Garfield High School voted unanimously to refuse to administer the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) test to their ninth-grade students. For two weeks they've held firm, even as the superintendent of schools has threatened them with a 10-day unpaid suspension, and teachers at other schools have joined their boycott.
“Garfield has a long tradition of cultivating abstract thinking, lyrical innovation, trenchant debate, civic leadership, moral courage and myriad other qualities for which our society is desperate, yet which cannot be measured, or inspired, by bubbling answer choice 'E.'” wrote Garfield High history teacher Jesse Hagopian in aSeattle Times op-ed
Garfield High's Parent-Teacher-Student Association and the student government have issued statements backing the teachers, and their union, the Seattle Education Association (an affiliate of the National Education Association) has been holding phone banks and rallies in support. NEA president Dennis van Roeckel called the