Sunday, February 24, 2013

Ungrateful Bastards – @ the chalk face

Ungrateful Bastards – @ the chalk face:

Ungrateful Bastards

There has been a lot of unnecessary hand-wringing surrounding the results of the MetLife Survey of the American Teacher which found that teacher job satisfaction has reached an all-time low.  Let’s look at the data from a different perspective. Nearly forty percent of teachers LOVE their work. To which I say, “And why shouldn’t they?” Thanks to me and other education reformers, working conditions for teachers have steadily been improving for more than a decade.
For example, teachers have the honor and pleasure of working with more and more of our children for longer and longer periods of time as class sizes grow and school days are extended. Also, teachers are no longer forced to use materials paid for by taxpayers. Instead, we let them choose and pay for their own classroom supplies.  Unlike the rest of us, educators aren’t expected to complete their work while at work. Rather, we generously allow them to take home hours and hours of grading and lesson planning. And the giving doesn’t stop there. A