Thursday, February 7, 2013

Truths About Education That Parents Need to Know | toteachornototeach

Truths About Education That Parents Need to Know | toteachornototeach:

Truths About Education That Parents Need to Know

Truths About Education That Parents Need to Know 
by Dr. Rhonda Joy Edwards Vansant
A six-year-old girl is excited about going to her neighborhood school. She was home schooled in kindergarten and now has her new backpack and lunchbox ready for first grade. She can’t wait to make new friends, share her love of art, and write stories. After the first day, her only news for her parents is that the teacher gave her handfuls of candy for being good and that she can get candy every day if she obeys. Her excitement slowly disappears and is replaced with anxiety and stomach aches. When she speaks of school, she relates how certain students always have their names on the “red light” because they are bad, how no one at her lunch table could talk that day because one person was too loud. She says she is writing a story, but the teacher tells everyone how they must write and what they must write about. Her parents rarely see a feeling of gladness about