Sunday, February 3, 2013

UPDATE: Irene Pappas’ phony tax bill + a real pension solution + The Sunday Mail. « Fred Klonsky

The Sunday Mail. « Fred Klonsky:

The in box. Irene Pappas’ phony tax bill.

Property tax payers in Cook County received their tax bills this past week. Tax Collector Irene Pappas chose to include data allegedly about public pension costs on the bill.
Hi Fred,
After seeing her terrible  interview on WTTW the other night and the self serving nature of her new disclosure law I looked into it and have found that most of what the school Districts are reporting to Pappas are not related to TRS but are IMRF debt.   
The TRS debt is not a debt of the school district but of the state of Illinois so it is not reported. 

Meet with the unions to get a real pension solution.

Illinois Democratic Party Chairman and House Speaker Mike Madigan has the corner table at Saputo’s italian restaurant in Springfield.
No doubt he does lunch there with the (other) most powerful people in the state.
Like his pal Ty Fahner of the Civic Committee.
But when the leaders of the state’s public employee unions and the coalition of which they are a part requested a sit-down with the Speaker and other legislative leaders to discuss pensions, he told them to drop dead.
Now, it is no secret to readers of this blog that I have my issues with the leaders of the Illinois Education 

The Sunday Mail.

Baltimore Raven’s Brendon Ayanbadejo.
So, you want to buy a school board?
In Chicagoyoung people of color are in the crosshairs.
Gun sales soar after photo emerges of Obama with a rifle.
Ed Koch’s contribution to education? Not much. He liked school uniforms.