Thursday, February 14, 2013

Student 'zombies' march on R.I. Department of Education in protest / Video | Breaking News | | The Providence Journal

Student 'zombies' march on R.I. Department of Education in protest / Video | Breaking News | | The Providence Journal:

Student 'zombies' march on R.I. Department of Education in protest / Video

Comments 22

February 13, 2013 5:27 pm
By Linda Borg


A group of Providence high school students, some with zombie makeup, protest against the rigid use of NECAP tests that determines eligibility for graduation.
PROVIDENCE -- Spattered with blood, their eyes blackened, their T-shirts torn, a line of teenaged zombies zigzagged through downtown during the afternoon rush.
Chanting, "No education, no life," more than 50 Providence teenagers marched on the state Department of Education to protest its decision to link test scores to high school graduation.
"To take away the diploma is to take away our life, to make us undead," said Cauldierre McKay, a Classical High School student. "That's why we're here today...dressed as the zombies that this policy will turn so many of us into."
In keeping with the zombie motif, a couple of students flung themselves to the ground. Others moaned and