Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sorry, Kirp’s Fix Another Flawed Discourse on Ed Reform – @ the chalk face

Sorry, Kirp’s Fix Another Flawed Discourse on Ed Reform – @ the chalk face:

Sorry, Kirp’s Fix Another Flawed Discourse on Ed Reform

Before I could find David Kirp’s “The Secret to Fixing Bad Schools,” I received by email and discovered on Twitter a series of enthusiastic praise from  friends, colleagues, and like-minded progressives and left-leaning radicals.
So let me be the first to say, “Sorry, but Kirp’s fix is yet another flawed public commentary about the state of schools and the needed education reform.”
Now, briefly, let me count the ways:
(1) The headline reinforces the “bad” schools narrative that keeps the political and public gaze on the school as the sole cause-agent of educational outcomes.
(2) Kirp’s description of Union City triggers the flawed and misleading “miracle” school narrative.