Saturday, February 16, 2013

Schools Matter: Media's Misguided "Miracle" Meme

Schools Matter: Media's Misguided "Miracle" Meme:

Media's Misguided "Miracle" Meme

Paul Tough has built a career on "no excuses" approaches to teaching "other people's children" in the charter school racket, most recently touting the importance of "grit" (see "Paul Tough Is Way Off-Base. And Stop Saying 'Grit'" by Katie Osgood to understand why Tough is misguided).

More recently, David Kirp has offered a call to re-invest in public education, not charter schools, by triggering the same "no excuses" argument embedded in a favorite meme among journalists, the "miracle" school!

Tough and Kirp follow in the footsteps of David Brooks, who literally christened the Harlem Children's Zone the "Harlem Miracle."

While political leaders, the media, and the public remain enamored with "miracle" memes, several educators and