Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Schooling in the Ownership Society: Corporate reformers pour millions into L.A. board elections

Schooling in the Ownership Society: Corporate reformers pour millions into L.A. board elections:

Corporate reformers pour millions into L.A. board elections

L.A. Supt. Deasy, the man from Gates. His job is at stake. 
We don't know how the election for school board in L.A. will turn out.. But we do know that it will be the most expensive school board election in history with anti-union corporate reformers, including N.Y.'s billionaire Mayor Bloomberg shelling out millions to influence the outcome in their favor. At stake, among other things, is the job ofSupt. John Deasy, the man from Gates. The election may also be a precursor to the upcoming mayoral electionwhich is also shaping up to be a battle between pro and anti-union forces.

According to Times ed writer Howard Blume:
A coalition of local organizations, wealthy donors and L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa have decided that the election is all about keeping Deasy on the job and accelerating the aggressive