Saturday, February 9, 2013

Schooling in the Ownership Society: Education, a $4.4 Trillion (with a T) Business

Schooling in the Ownership Society: Education, a $4.4 Trillion (with a T) Business:

Education, a $4.4 Trillion (with a T) Business

Sean Cavanagh posts on Edweek's Marketplace K-12blog, that the global market for education is $4.4 trillion, and poised to grow significantly over the next five years, according to an analysis by an international investment bank that advises companies on educational technology.
Clearly, the United States isn't the only viable market for online learning—there are more than 3,000 e-learning companies in Europe, the investment bank says. [Update: I've updated this post to say that the overall global market for education expenditures stands at more than $4 trillion, and the market for the subset of e-learning, specifically, stands at $91 billion.]
According to NCES (Don't try and read this chart, it will only make you dizzy)  Americans spend more than $1.1