Wednesday, February 27, 2013

School Tech Connect: Coming To The Party?

School Tech Connect: Coming To The Party?:

Coming To The Party?

Indeed I still exist.

One thing I've been working on is the Raise Your Glass Winter Bash for Raise Your Hand. It's Thursday night, and I'll be making a much-anticipated cameo. I work with a lot of groups--- RYH is getting things done.  Come to the Bash. It's a fundraiser.

Meanwhile, a RYH team recently met with the CPS testing "accountability" guy to review the massive abuse of standardized testing. It wasn't such a great meeting, from what I gathered.  Read RYH's response letter here.

Here's the gist of it---

We respectfully request that the CEO immediately work to change the culture around any required standardized testing so that schools and children are not labeled as failing, teachers and principals are not pressured to make standardized testing the educational priority of the school, and any necessary standardized testing happens in a supportive environment.

It'll never happen because these are city kids, and therefore they need to be calipered at frequent intervals--- it doesn't make sense to have a whole division of data people if you're not going to give tests 24/7.  But we can keep trying. Meanwhile, if you look at the Track E test schedule, you'll see that it's  IAA week--- meaning the