Saturday, February 2, 2013

Sacramento parents plea for district not to close school | Sacramento News - KCRA Home

Sacramento parents plea for district not to close school | Sacramento News - KCRA Home:

Sacramento parents plea for district not to close school

11 elementary schools on proposed list for closure

School closure meeting
(Jan. 30, 2013)
Richard Sharp/KCRA

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (KCRA) —More than 100 concerned parents, teachers and students packed into the cafeteria at Tahoe Elementary School in Sacramento’s Tahoe Park neighborhood Wednesday night to hear why the Sacramento City Unified School District wants to close the facility and 10 others.

“Why they sending kids way across town to another elementary school, when they got one right here in this neighborhood?” said Raymond Thompson, the parent of a student at the school.

District officials said the school has been under-enrolled for two decades, and is currently doesn’t have enough students.

“Why are (we) closing schools?” asked Jonathon Raymond, the superintendent of the district. “Because schools like Tahoe are only 40 percent full right now. We have schools from 30 percent to 45 percent enrolled.”

If all 11 schools are closed, the district estimates savings of $2.6 million a year.

Much of the savings will come from lay-offs.

“We have a principal that runs the school, office staff, custodians and plant managers, and utility costs -- those are

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