Sunday, February 24, 2013

Oooh Lord, here we go, #stuvoice or #studentvoice, take your pick – @ the chalk face

Oooh Lord, here we go, #stuvoice or #studentvoice, take your pick – @ the chalk face:

Oooh Lord, here we go, #stuvoice or #studentvoice, take your pick

The sniping has begun, apparently, to which I must personally respond.
Unschooling/homeschooling advocate, and employee of the NYDOE (could that be argued as the belly of the beast?), is going after us here At the Chalk Face because I had the temerity to suggest that folks who have taught might have more to say about their profession than someone observing from the outside. Here’s the post right here.  I don’t think it is at all unreasonable to assume that a teacher educator should be trusted to correct misconceptions about teacher education. Or, that a teacher can correct misconceptions about work in the classroom. I hold policymakers and all education commentators to the same standard.
[Seriously, I'd like to know when a student ever becomes less infallible. Can someone please tell me that? When