Saturday, February 2, 2013

NYC Public School Parents: Journey for Justice and "School choice" week; just whose choices are being respected??

NYC Public School Parents: Journey for Justice and "School choice" week; just whose choices are being respected??:

Journey for Justice and "School choice" week; just whose choices are being respected??

Last week was “School choice” week.  The entire concept of “school choice week” was invented by Jeb Bush  to promote the expansion of charter and vouchers,  supposedly to allow for more parental choice in selecting their children's schools.  Meanwhile, it was just revealed that Bush's organization, Foundation for Excellence in Education (FEE), promotes the business of for-profit companies, including several that donate to the organization and at least one corporation in which Bush has stock.

The reality is that the corporate reformers pushing “school choice,” including Arne Duncan, Jeb Bush, Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg and Michelle Rhee, are not interested in the real-life choices of parents;  but instead in privatization.
When thousands of parents repeatedly turn out across the country to oppose the closing of their neighborhood