Thursday, February 7, 2013

NYC Public School Parents: Coalition of education, parent & privacy groups protest plan to share confidential student data with Gates-funded corporation

NYC Public School Parents: Coalition of education, parent & privacy groups protest plan to share confidential student data with Gates-funded corporation:

Coalition of education, parent & privacy groups protest plan to share confidential student data with Gates-funded corporation

Education, parent and privacy groups, including the Massachusetts ACLU, the MA state PTA, the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood, and Citizens for Public Schools, sent a letter today to the MA State Board of Education,  protesting the state's plan to share confidential student and teacher information with the Gates Foundation. The information to be shared will likely include student names, test scores, grades, disciplinary and attendance records, special education and free lunch status.  These groups are asking to see the contract with the Gates Foundation, and demanding the right of parents to consent before their children's highly sensitive educational records are shared with the Gates Foundation or any other corporation that in turn plans to share it with private vendors. See the press release below and the letter here.  

Why is should this concern us here?  Because as I have written about previously, the New York State Education Department is participating eagerly in this project as well, and intends to disclose the confidential information of