Friday, February 22, 2013

Mother Crusader: Paterson Board of Education Will Act On Charter Approvals

Mother Crusader: Paterson Board of Education Will Act On Charter Approvals:

Paterson Board of Education Will Act On Charter Approvals

While suburban districts in New Jersey have had their share of victories stopping the charter onslaught, so far urban district's haven't found their voice.  That may be changing, and Paterson may be poised to turn the tide.

I have written four posts (hereherehere and here) about the Paterson Collegiate Charter School application which was approved last week.  As I was writing the story, I reached out to Paterson board member Dr. Jonathan Hodges, and I was shocked to learn that he was unaware that two applications were pending for his district.  Dr. Hodges was interviewed for a Herald News article about the approvals.
 "We didn't know this was going to happen," Hodges said.