Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Michael Weston | A Teacher for Hillsborough County School Board

Michael Weston | A Teacher for Hillsborough County School Board:


My name is Michael Weston, and I am a candidate for Hillsborough County School Board, District 2.  I am a parent, a teacher and a long-time member of our community.
If elected, I will be about the classroom.  I will be about our children’s future.  I will be about the responsible use of dollars.
My vision is
  • a Hillsborough County School District that supports the classroom, rather than burdens it with the latest fads in education “reform”.
  • a Hillsborough County School District that engages the community, rather than insulates from it.
  • a level of transparency that would NEVER ALLOW the recent “non-reporting” of a student death.
  •  a system that recognizes the value of its teachers; one that lets information flow in all directions, rather than “top-down” only.
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