Tuesday, February 26, 2013

For-Profit Charter School Fights Back Against Parents Who Rejected Them In Sarasota | Scathing Purple Musings

For-Profit Charter School Fights Back Against Parents Who Rejected Them In Sarasota | Scathing Purple Musings:

For-Profit Charter School Fights Back Against Parents Who Rejected Them In Sarasota

Blogger David Safier has more on Imagine Charter Schools’ battle with Sarasota parents and local school leadership over their decision to secede from the nation’s largest charter school provider:
North Port, Florida, could prove to be the tipping point for the Imagine Schools chain of charter schools. When the local board of Imagine North Port decided last week to sever ties with Imagineand become an independent charter named Sarasota Preparatory School, it was yet another loss for Imagine, which has been losing schools by the handful over the past few years.
And Imagine isn’t taking the defection lying down. It’s decided to fight back, hard.
After the Board sent an email to parents describing the break, Imagine Schools “hijacked parent email addresses from our contact lists and sent all of you an email,” according to a post on the new school’s Facebook page. If the national Imagine doesn’t normally have access to parents’