Thursday, February 14, 2013

Edwin Portugal – California, The Next Leader in Education - Student Voice

Student Voice:

Edwin Portugal – California, The Next Leader in Education

The education reform community (almost) unanimously agrees that Bush’s “No Child Left Behind” (NCLB) has failed students. This law has put a large emphasis on standardized testing and “accountability” while ignoring the individual needs of students, educators, and the schools themselves. When Obama came into office, education reformers were optimistic that his administration would reverse some of the adverse effects of NCLB. Obama’s “Race to the Top”, however, turned out to be a re-hash of the same failed policies of the previous administration.  Since Obama’s current Secretary of Education Arne Duncan will (most likely) retain his position, it is unlikely that we will see major changes in national education policy. Thus, we have to turn our sights elsewhere for such change.
Luckily, we do not need to look further than the state of California. Two weeks ago, California Governor Jerry Brown delivered his “State of the State” address. During that speech, Gov. Brown gave special focus to the education policies he wishes to pursue this year. Notably, Gov. Brown wants to place control over education in