Friday, February 22, 2013

Daily Kos: thoughts on writing and political participation

Daily Kos: thoughts on writing and political participation:

thoughts on writing and political participation

Like many in the blogosphere, I often opine on issues on which I lack formal expertise.  Once I get beyond education, I would be hard put to justify my opinions on the basis of either formal education or job experience.  In that sense I am no different than many who are paid great sums to offer their bloviations, the pundit class.  I may agree with them - as I usually do with the likes of Paul Krugman, Charles M. Blow, and Eugene Robinson - or I may find their offerings tainted by their skewed political outlooks - as is usually the case with Charles Krauthammer or Michael Gerson - or their apparent sense of innate superiority over anyone else - are you listening David Brooks, Richard Cohen, and  Thomas Friedman?
Yet I regularly read all of the aforementioned, and others as well.  It is not at all uncommon for me to focus readers attention on their words by devoting some of my own to that task,  whether in disagreement, affirmation, or as a starting point for expressing my own thoughts on a topic.
In recent weeks the primary focus of my writing has, as one might expect, stayed connected with the changes in our lives as a result of my wife's illness.   Yet I still from time to time have focused on other topics as well.
Today is Friday, not Saturday, so this is not a personal reflection of the kind to which I am prone on that morning