Thursday, February 7, 2013

UPDATE: We should all be forced to look at Daily Kos: Hip-Hop Speaks to the Guns

Daily Kos: Hip-Hop Speaks to the Guns:

We should all be forced to look at

things like the smashed and brutalized body of Noah Pozner.
Newspapers and the media should have shown it
too many are detached from the reality of what guns do
they watch movies, tv shows, video games
it desensitizes
it is not real
I think back to when electeds on the Hill came out of seeing the Abu Ghraib photos sick to their stomachs
we should all have seen them, all of them
as Abu Ghraib was an almost inevitable byproduct of our idiotic decisions about Iraq, the violence of 12/14 in Newtown is an almost inevitable product of our idiotic policies on guns
if the NRA and gun advocates want to continue their blather, let us respond with the results

Hip-Hop Speaks to the Guns

is the title of this New York Times op ed by Ta- Nehisi Coates.  Coates focuses on an album by hip-hop artist Kendrick Lamar, "Good Kid," of which he says
it perhaps has the most to offer to those shocked into action by the senseless massacres we’ve endured over the past few years.
>  Before exploring the contents of the album he continues by writing:
This particular moment has shined a light on a gun lobby that argues for maximum firepower and minimum responsibility. If history is any judge the moment will pass, and most of us will find ourselves again lost in our daily and particular business. When that time comes, there will be others of us who live in places where senseless shootings remain a corrosive constant.
If you are going to read the op ed, you do not need to continue below the cheese-doodle to my additional words, including the final two paragraphs of the op ed.  If I have not yet convinced you, please keep reading.