Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Common Core Unpreparedness: Teachers Say They Are Not Ready | Truth in American Education

Common Core Unpreparedness: Teachers Say They Are Not Ready | Truth in American Education:

Common Core Unpreparedness: Teachers Say They Are Not Ready

Education Week conducted a survey of teachers and nearly half of all teachers say they are unprepared to teach the Common Core, especially to disadvantaged students:
The study by the EPE Research Center, an arm of Editorial Projects in Education, the publisher ofEducation Weekfound deep wells of concern among teachers about their readiness to meet the challenges posed by the common core in English/language arts and mathematics.
“Teachers are under tremendous pressure,” said Lisa Dickinson, an assistant director of educational issues for the American Federation of Teachers, which conducts several common-core training programs in school districts each month. “The new standards do require a major shift in instruction. And the needed supports really aren’t there.”
Teachers in adopting states were asked to rate their preparedness on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being “very prepared” and 1 “not at all prepared.” When asked how prepared they were to teach the