Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Bush’s Florida Model: “claiming credit for what’s on the scoreboard after having changed the rules of the game” | Scathing Purple Musings

Bush’s Florida Model: “claiming credit for what’s on the scoreboard after having changed the rules of the game” | Scathing Purple Musings:

Bush’s Florida Model: “claiming credit for what’s on the scoreboard after having changed the rules of the game”

The next round in the statistical war between Bush advisor Matt Ladner and Shanker Institute fellow Matt DiCarlo is here. DiCarlo’s last look at Florida’s numbers prompted Ladner find DiCarlo “Bounded in a Nutshell but Counts Himself a King of Infinite Space.” I for one can’t wait for the hissy-fit Ladner will have over DiCarlo’s latest  look at Bush’s school grade myth:
Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush was in Virginia last week, helping push for a new law that would install an “A-F” grading system for all public schools in the commonwealth, similar to a system that has existed in Florida for well over a decade.
In making his case, Governor Bush put forth an argument about the Florida system that he and his supporters use frequently. He said that, right after the grades went into place in his state, there was a drop in the proportion of D and F schools, along with a huge concurrent increase in the