Sunday, February 10, 2013

Are Boasberg’s education days numbered? | DeFENSE

Are Boasberg’s education days numbered? | DeFENSE:

Are Boasberg’s education days numbered?

When one of the metro area’s most conservative papers calls for the termination of DPS Superintendent Tom Boasberg, you know the wheels are starting to finally come off the little yellow school bus.
We quote from the February 2012 editorial from The Glendale Cherry Creek Chronicle, “(t)he first thing the new DPS board member should do is to lead the fight to fire Boasberg as superintendent.”  The entire editorial is below.
Now, we don’t agree with the paper’s assessment that this is about the teacher’s union.  In fact, they have been

On Boasberg, blowing up Centennial ECE-8 and Cambridge Education’s hit job on neighborhood schools

Several of us had the great opportunity today to sit in and observe the meeting organized by parents and teachers to push back against the restructuring of Centennial ECE-8 school in Northwest Denver.
To recap, on December 17 the district made a recommendation to the board (start with page 7 at the link) to reconfigure the school by eliminating the middle school grades (6-8) and to “Grant full flexibility to current principal to develop and implement a new educational program and select staff.”  The justification for this drastic

A true evaluation of Tom Boasberg

On December 20, Tom Boasberg’s evaluation was up for discussion at the school board meeting.  As can be expected, the majority had glowing reviews of Boasberg’s performance, but the devil is in the details.  The minority had a very different view of how Boasberg has carried out his duties.
Watch the video segment of the discussion from December 20 here: Discussion on Tom Boasberg’s evaluation, December 20, 2012
Here is the board minority evaluation itself. First, the cover letter:

Anyway, here’s the editorial…
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