Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Van Roekel: ‘Fiscal Cliff’ Package A Source of Hope and Concern for America’s Students | NEA Today

Van Roekel: ‘Fiscal Cliff’ Package A Source of Hope and Concern for America’s Students | NEA Today:

Van Roekel: ‘Fiscal Cliff’ Package A Source of Hope and Concern for America’s Students

January 2, 2013 by twalker  
Filed under Featured NewsTop Stories
National Education Association President Dennis Van Roekel issued the following statement in response  to the vote in U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday night to deal with the Fiscal Cliff of 2012:
“While tonight’s House vote represents a major step toward addressing the needs of working Americans and our national economy, we still fear where this path may lead us in two months. In February, Congress will once again battle over across-the-board sequester budget cuts at the same time it will once again debate the nation’s debt ceiling.
“We are pleased that the Republican leadership in the House abandoned their efforts to simply draw lines in the sand to protect benefits for the wealthiest few. We applaud those members of Congress, from both parties, who stood up for what’s right for our nation’s students and all middle class families by putting people ahead of politics.
“The package, while not ideal, begins to address the demands of average Americans for a plan that provides real tax relief for middle class families and protects those struggling to find work. Its historic first steps in balancing the scales of revenue generation between the rich and middle class is critical to 
More Florida students than ever are taking tough college-level classes in high school. Over the past decade, Florida has invested nearly $650 million in Advanced Placement programs and incentives like teacher bonuses. But with four in 10 students passing the AP exam in 2012, is it worth it? It depends on how you measure the results. Source: [...] 

Pinterest and education go hand in hand. If you haven’t started using the popular social bookmarking site, you may want to give it a try in the new year. What better time to discover new and exciting resources from teachers, admins, and students around the world? Source: Edudemic Related posts: The Teacher’s Quick Guide To [...]