Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Weekly Cheddar : blue cheddar

The Weekly Cheddar : blue cheddar:

The Weekly Cheddar

January 19, 2013
January 13 - 19, 2013

Here’s a slightly delayed weekly cheddar – which is a sometimes snarky collection of must-read stories of the week.  I’m on a big trip to see family on the East Coast, and since I’m really supposed to be off of the computer, I’ll be very light on national news and focus on my beloved Wisconsin.
Union-busting law Wisconsin Act 10 upheld in federal court: However, as Root River Siren notes, “Someone should let Scooter in on the fact that two other lawsuits are pending – one of which has put Act 10 on ice at the state level.. That means that not much has changed.” See WISBAR for Conley’s decision in April 2012.
Oh! WPR notes shady sand mine politics: See Town Officials Accused Of Frac Sand Conflict Of Interest.  [Flashback: I wrote about this in October of 2012: Threats and conflict of interest in Jackson County, Wisconsin. Sand mine business as usual?]

One Nun, Hold the Bus:  On February 13 and 14 Simone Campbell of “Nuns on a Bus” famewill be in Middleton, WI. 
Madison Homeless Services Are Unacceptable:  So determined activists plan a housing co-op.  More at OM House.  What exactly can you do to help? See Forward Lookout.
Voucher School Plan Gets Complicated: Walker will unveil a voucher plan in his budget,