Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Vietnamization of public education

The Vietnamization of public education:

The Vietnamization of public education

the generalsHere’s an interesting look at the false metrics of success that characterized the Vietnam War, and now, school reform, by Steve Cohen, a senior lecturer in education at Tufts University.
By Steve Cohen
I have been reading a new book, “The Generals,” byTom Ricks.  He looks at individual American military leaders from World War II until the present day and offers thumbnail sketches of their successes and failures. Ricks also made some interesting points about the changes in personnel policy in the military over time.  One of his arguments was a critique of common practice in the late 1950s and leading into the Vietnam Era when the Army decided to rotate officers to provide them with more and varied experiences.  This, of course, led to the phenomenon in Vietnam when officers, like the soldiers they led, served 

Teacher: How my 9th graders graded me

Some confident teachers allow their students to evaluate their performance at the end of each semester, believing they can learn the assessments how to improve. Here’s a report from one teacher who let ninth graders evaluate his teaching over the … Continue reading →