Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Educated Reporter: Martin Luther King Jr. Day: Should Schools Stay Open?

The Educated Reporter: Martin Luther King Jr. Day: Should Schools Stay Open?:

Martin Luther King Jr. Day: Should Schools Stay Open?

It's inauguration day, but it's also the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. Here's my post on the topic from last year.

Today is a federal holiday, which means schools -- and pretty much every office -- is closed here in D.C. However some districts nationwide opt not suspend classes for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Many schools use the day as an opportunity for special assemblies and workshops, while others simply continue with their regular schedules. Last year, two counties in northern Georgia were soundly criticized by civil rights groups when they scheduled classes to make up for "snow days."

There are many sides to this argument, and it's easy to see why some educators are conflicted about the decision to either hold classes or observe the holiday. The truth is that most people associate today (along with