Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Students and Teachers Again: Cartoons | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice

Students and Teachers Again: Cartoons | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice:

Students and Teachers Again: Cartoons

For millennia, teachers and students have loved and hated one another. The excitement of kindergartners eager to tell their teacher what happened at home last night and the teenager with head down on desk waiting to hear the buzzer end 54-minutes of  listening to the teacher–all are part of the relationship between students and teachers. The classroom was (and is) a place where students watched the second-hand of the clock move ever so slowly, a room where adults and children eagerly learned from each other, and, yes, a site for humor. Here is another collection of cartoons showing the funny side of teachers and students interacting.
For readers interested in looking at the monthly posts of cartoons in this blog, see: “Digital Kids in School,” “Testing,” “Blaming Is So American,”  “Accountability in Action,” “Charter Schools,” and “Age-graded Schools,”Students and TeachersParent-Teacher ConferencesDigital TeachersAddiction to Electronic DevicesTesting, Testing, and Testing, Business and Schools, Common Core StandardsProblems and Dilemmas,Digital Natives (2), and Online Courses.
2nd grade teacher