Thursday, January 17, 2013

Schools Matter: The tests will survive, even if school doesn't

Schools Matter: The tests will survive, even if school doesn't:

The tests will survive, even if school doesn't

The US Department of Education reassures the public about funding: The new tests
will survive, even if school doesn't.
Press Conference held by the US Department of Education.
Published in Language Magazine, January 2013:

Dolores Umbridge, Assistant Secretary of Education, US Department of Education, reassured educators and parents today that the huge budget cuts mandated by the new budget agreement will not harm our children. "The essentials, the new tests, will remain intact," she announced. "The Department of Education is firm on its plans to require end-of-year tests, formative tests, and, we are hoping, fall pre-tests in all subjects. We are also firm in our resolve to require pre-kindergarten screening, and, as planned, all tests will be administered on-line."