Saturday, January 5, 2013

School Tech Connect: In Hindsight, It Was Foresight

School Tech Connect: In Hindsight, It Was Foresight:

In Hindsight, It Was Foresight

"The 1970 constitution, that gave us Article XIII...was put in there not because they had such great foresight in seeing what problems the pension system might have down the road, but because the state pension systems were indeed 40% funded, about where they are now." -Elaine Nekritz
Um, no. It was foresight. In 1970, the delegates foresaw that in the future, legislators would be tempted to screw the public employees and break a contract. So they prevented that by making it unconstitutional. That's what foresight is.

And sure enough, here they are. As predicted. With no legal opinion other than "there's a range of opinion." Weak as water.

It must be strange to be the very person that an entire constitutional amendment was written to protect others