Tuesday, January 1, 2013

School Tech Connect: Get To Aurora. Then Get To Springfield

School Tech Connect: Get To Aurora. Then Get To Springfield:

Get To Aurora. Then Get To Springfield

It's going to be a busy couple of days... These are things you should be attending, if you live in Illinois and you're a teacher:

Jobs For Justice Town Hall  (Pension Discussion)

Town Hall Pension Forum
When:  Wednesday January 2nd, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Where:  East Aurora High School (Auditorium)
500 Tomcat Ln., Aurora, IL  60505
Ample parking–enter through Door 5

This event will feature the long-awaited reunion of pension-buster Elaine Nekritz and longtime public servant/noted blogger Fred Klonsky.  I will be filming. I will also be driving out there, so stay off the sidewalks. 

Then, on to Springfield for the We Are One rallies/lobbying sessions on January 3 and 4. 
You probably work with colleagues who will have a hundred reasons whey they couldn't make it to the rallies; it is your job to let them know you can't do all the heavy lifting by yourself.  

Here's the general outline of the day. The IFT and AFT are both using this schedule; Buses from both groups  are going to IEA headquarters.
Anyway, the two large teacher unions aren't making it a cakewalk to join in the festivities; you have to do a little clicking around. And God forbid you know the names of other people living in the same representative/legislative districts.

If you're in the IFT, look here. In order to get a spot on a bus, you have to call your regional office. The list of those is here. 

If you're in the IEA, look here. You also have to contact your regional office to get a spot on the bus. That list is here

On both days, buses head back home at around 4 PM; however, if you're a labor junkie, you'll be staying overnight. The venue for the all-important review-of-the-day-over-beverages will be announced later. 

I don't know if Tom Cross is going to be in town--- I doubt it--- but if anyone gets to meet with him, he likes to go on and on about how people are living longer now and how it's just crazy about how long they're living and it's just so gall-darned expensive. Stop him from babbling. Life expectancy is figured in every certified state payment and always has been. Life expectancy has nothing to do with the state not making annual contributions year after year after year.