Wednesday, January 9, 2013

School Tech Connect: Data Driven-- Data Quality Be Damned!

School Tech Connect: Data Driven-- Data Quality Be Damned!:

Data Driven-- Data Quality Be Damned!

The most helpful map I've ever seen. 

All-around intelligent person Josh Kalov has taken the Apples to Apples school utilization data and turned it into a visually awesome side-by-side comparison. Basically, you're looking at what CPS says about building utilization and comparing it what the open-source data gatherers working with Apples to Apples say, and you can see where these buildings are around the city.

I would explain how to create these kinds of things using Google Fusion Tables, but that would require me to pretend like I'm capable of understanding it. I generally reserve that kind of thing for meetings at work.

So, on the one hand, you have the pretty-much-for-sure incorrect data that the Board or Commission or Rahm or whoever is going to use to close schools, versus an open-sourced, totally honest and self-critical study that uses more logical numbers, and as far as I can tell, more accurate numbers, as well as an easy-to-understand