Sunday, January 20, 2013

Reincorporating Hunter-Gatherer Wisdom in our Society | Lefty Parent

Reincorporating Hunter-Gatherer Wisdom in our Society | Lefty Parent:

Reincorporating Hunter-Gatherer Wisdom in our Society

In my previous piece, “Traditional Wisdom of Child Development”, I looked at how contemporary social scientists are rediscovering some of the wisdom of traditional hunter-gatherer societies, which were for most of our time on this planet the predominant human organizing principle and are arguably a more natural form of human community that the high-technology society that most of us humans live in today.
I got a handful of thoughtful comments on my piece, but I’d like to highlight one that I think was posing issues that really continue the discussion.  Amy Costello Wilfong wrote…
It’s not that I disagree with what you’re saying… but the immersion-type parenting you’re talking