Thursday, January 17, 2013

UPDATE: Parents Across America Seattle supports Garfield High School teachers’ principled opposition to the costly and inaccurate MAP test | Parents Across America

Parents Across America Seattle supports Garfield High School teachers’ principled opposition to the costly and inaccurate MAP test | Parents Across America:

Why parents support teachers

Parents Across America is pleased to stand with our nation’s schoolteachers in efforts to improve education for all children – efforts that range from the issues raised in the Chicago teachers’ strike to the Seattle teachers’ boycott of wasteful standardized tests. We are proud to be part of a long tradition of parent support for public schoolteachers. Parents voice support Although this nation has been through three decades of hand-wringing over a “crisis in American education,” throughout that entire period … 

Parents Across America Seattle supports Garfield High School teachers’ principled opposition to the costly and inaccurate MAP test