Tuesday, January 29, 2013

On being disloyal. « Fred Klonsky

On being disloyal. « Fred Klonsky:

On being disloyal.

An Illinois member of the NEA board of directors wrote and suggested that I was creating disunity in the IEA because of my criticisms of their handling of the pension issue. He asked that I not post his comments and, as always, I will adhere to his wishes.
But  I want to share my response.
I think that your suggestion that I am the cause of disunity is grossly unfair.
That there are differences in our union is an objective fact. Some wish to remain quiet about those differences. I don’t. To be unified around a wrong set of tactics and a wrong strategy does no service to our members nor to the students we teach.
We were too unified when Audrey Soglin, Ken Swanson and others in leadership (you perhaps?) tried to silence criticism of our support for Senate Bill 7. The local that I was president of was a lone voice in opposition to