Monday, January 14, 2013

Joy Resmovits: Arne Duncan To Stay On As Education Secretary For Obama Second Term, AP Follows Report

Joy Resmovits: Arne Duncan To Stay On As Education Secretary For Obama Second Term, AP Follows Report:

Arne Duncan To Stay On As Education Secretary For Obama Second Term, AP Follows Report

A few minutes ago, a wire story was filed quoting an official speaking "on the condition of anonymity because a public announcement has not been made." The official apparently whispered into the ear of the reporter that U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan would be sticking around for President Barack Obama's second term.

Color us puzzled.

Such type of blind sourcing isn't exactly necessary. Almost two months ago, we (and Education Week) reported similar news -- coming from a higher official, speaking on the record. We wrote at the time:

"Let me, first, sketch the outlines, or provide a mini-preview, of a second-term education agenda," Duncan told state education leaders at the Council of Chief State School Officers conference in