Sunday, January 6, 2013

Jersey Jazzman: Pension "Reform" = Legalized Welching

Jersey Jazzman: Pension "Reform" = Legalized Welching:

Pension "Reform" = Legalized Welching

Meanwhile, in Illinois, the government is forced to confront a pension mess of their own making:
The prospects for solving Illinois' worst-in-the-nation pension crisis may have grown brighter Friday when powerful House Speaker Michael Madigan said he was open to deferring a contentious teacher retirement issue that has deadlocked lawmakers for almost a year.
Madigan's shift was announced by Gov. Pat Quinn, who is pushing to solve the $96 billion pension problem during a lame-duck legislative session that ends next week. The governor characterized the news as a breakthrough.
But many other pension issues remain unsettled. And whether Madigan's decision,