Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Jersey Jazzman: Millionaires' Spawn to Teachers & Cops: Suck It!

Jersey Jazzman: Millionaires' Spawn to Teachers & Cops: Suck It!:

Millionaires' Spawn to Teachers & Cops: Suck It!

I just saw this about the latest fiscal cliff deal. And you people have got to be freakin' kidding me:
As for estate taxes, the rates will rise from 35 percent to 40 percent for estates valued at over $5 million dollars, however the Republicans did succeed in building in a provision which allows the amount of the exemption (currently five million dollars) to be indexed to the rate of inflation. [emphasis mine]
Because we have to make sure the spawn of our millionaires aren't paying more than they might owe due to inflation: that would be horrible!

Of course, middle-class retirees will have to take one for the team:
In a victory for Gov. Chris Christie’s pension revisions, a Superior Court judge has ruled that about 800,000 retired public employees are not entitled to increases