Friday, January 11, 2013

Jake Frackson – RE-SENSITIZING SCHOOLS Student Voice

Student Voice:


Originally posted:
Raising a child has become a whole new adventure with the advent of the internet. Because of the inundation of information that came with it, teachers, parents, and all others involved in the up-bringing of children have been given an increasingly stressful job. Not only is there an influx of information, there is also a whole new on-slot of inappropriate subject matter to try to negotiate. With so much content, and so few ways to censor it, raising a child really has become a whole new escapade.
When an individual is growing up its important that he or she is exposed to a certain amount of serious and graphic content. Without it, that person will grow up in an unrealistic world and end up with a “sheltered” perspective. However, there is a fine line between enough and too much. Too much, and the individual can become desensitized — a significant, but unpublicized, problem.
This desensitization, to such things as violence, immorality, and dishonesty, can severely corrupt youth — and