Sunday, January 27, 2013

In which I mention a couple of awards « JD2718

In which I mention a couple of awards « JD2718:

In which I mention a couple of awards

Today I am receiving two awards for union service. At first I didn’t think it was such a big deal, but here we are, moment is about to arrive, and I’m pretty pleased.
ten year chapter leader pin doesn’t sound like such a big deal. I remember, twelve or thirteen years ago, filling in for my chapter leader at the Bronx HS DR meeting (Shulman back then)… every CL in the room must have had ten years… maybe a few a few less, probably a bunch a bunch more. Fast forward to today though… I have eleven continuous years of service… five elections (though just one contested)… and today I am the longest serving high school chapter leader in the Bronx. By far. (there’s one guy with more years, but just a couple at his current school).
Trachtenberg Awards go to… I’m still not quite certain. Good chapters or good chapter leaders. And lots of people get them. I’ve been encouraged to apply for at least the last four years. And I think we’ve run an ok