Wednesday, January 16, 2013

How the privatizers work: SFCC: a teacher speaks out!

How the privatizers work: SFCC: a teacher speaks out!:

How the privatizers work: SFCC: a teacher speaks out!

I recounted the very recent past employment of the interim chancellor because the new things I’ve learned about her have led me to believe that she is part of the effort to privatize CCSF and all community colleges. Her consulting job with ACCT right before coming to CCSF shows her clear connection with and membership in a group funded by the very corporations that are trying to take control of and, I believe, finally take down public higher education–Gates, Lumina and ALEC. I have also read articles that were forwarded to us on the EFF that link the ACCJC to the same privatizers.
ACCT and ACCJC are not accountable to voters–except–and this is a very big except–Marty Hittleman of AFT in a passionate and indisputably correct letter to Jack Scott (Mr. Student Success himself) charged the ACCJC with violating California law in regards to collective bargaining. Hittleman was defending the California legislation on faculty evaluation (Senate Bill AB 1725).