Thursday, January 10, 2013

FCMAT » Cali Education Headlines Thursday, January 10, 2013

FCMAT » Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team:

Gov. Jerry Brown to propose more money, finance overhaul for California schools

Education Headlines

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Denair schools to mull budget

Denair Unified School District trustees will take up more teacher layoffs tonight and consider switching their popular charter Denair Academic Avenues into a magnet school as they work to get finances back in the black and avoid a state takeover.

Fresno USD to add six bus routes for middle, high school students

Students in those grades have had to walk two miles to school. The new routes cut the distance to 1-1/2 miles.

CCSF to miss key deadline, overseer says

City College of San Francisco will not be able to fix all of its financial and managerial problems by the March 15 deadline to retain accreditation, and the best it can hope for is to win more time to work on its issues, a special trustee told state officials Tuesday.

School safety issues emerge

California legislators have responded to the Connecticut shooting of school children by proposing three new gun or ammunition control laws, but so far only one bill that specifically deals with school safety.

CA ranks at the bottom nationally on special ed spending and outcomes

Based on recent results from the National Assessment of Educational Progress, California ranks 48th nationwide with just 24 percent of students with disabilities scoring basic or better in 4th and 8th grade reading and math testing.

Lincoln Unified goes solar

Though the sun has been hidden by clouds lately, it's difficult not to think about solar energy when you drive past a Lincoln Unified campus these days.

Focus on Brown's ed budget will fix on new weighted formula

Much is already known about the so-called weighted-formula and how it will work -- the question is what Brown might do to his budget overall to make the restructuring plan more palatable to its many critics.

Impasse at end for teachers, Menifee school district

The Menifee Union School District and the Menifee Teachers Association, which have been generally agreeable parties throughout an economic downturn that has resulted in severe cuts in public education, ended their impasse when the governing board approved an agreement Tuesday afternoon that will not call for any furlough days this school year.

Berkeley to review gunman-on-campus training in wake of Newtown shootings

Berkeley's school district will hire consultants to re-examine safety procedures and gunman-on-campus scenarios at all 20 schools following the Dec. 14 massacre of 20 first-graders and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., officials said Wednesday.

Gov. Jerry Brown to propose more money, finance overhaul for California schools

Gov. Jerry Brown will give more than $2 billion extra to K-12 districts next school year and again ask lawmakers to direct more funding to impoverished students and English learners in his budget plan today, according to education sources familiar with the proposal.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Walnut Valley schools bring in labor mediator

The financially troubled Walnut Valley Unified School District is counting on a state mediator this week to wring concessions from its teachers, and the state Board of Education to approve a school site lease plan that could raise some cash.

Long Beach school board votes to slash AVID college prep program

A popular Long Beach Unified college prep program will enroll 260 fewer high school students next year and will cease to exist at middle and K-8 schools under the latest budget cuts.

Petition error delays push for special election of Fresno Unified trustee

An error by the Fresno County Office of Education has complicated plans to force a special election in the McLane High trustee area. County Schools Superintendent Larry Powell said Tuesday his office erred in advising petitioners about the number of signatures needed for an election to be called.