Thursday, January 24, 2013

Debunking Misconceptions: “The Common Core is State-Led” | Truth in American Education

Debunking Misconceptions: “The Common Core is State-Led” | Truth in American Education:

Debunking Misconceptions: “The Common Core is State-Led”

I thought that I would start a series on common misconceptions related to the Common Core State Standards.  I don’t know how frequently I’ll come back to this series, but as these misconceptions come up or as I hear them I want to address them.  The first is one that I hear quite frequently and I was told was a misconception repeated in the Iowa House Education Committee meeting the other day when the Common Core was briefly discussed.
The Common Core is not state-led.  To be fair, when I say that I’m not saying that the U.S. Department of Education wrote the Common Core.  I’m not even saying it was their idea.  It wasn’t.  Advocates of the Common Core who say it is state-led typically are saying neither of these things happened.
On that we can agree.
It’s always important to get past lingo and clarify what we mean.  When I say something is “state-led,” I mean it