Friday, January 4, 2013

Daily Kos: Our clown-around Congress

Daily Kos: Our clown-around Congress:

Our clown-around Congress

To say that Congress looked like a clown show this week is an insult to self-respecting clowns.
 So begins Eugene Robinson in this Washington Post column this morning, whose title I have borrowed for this posting.He begins by reminding us, as painful as it might be, that the so-called fiscal cliff was a fake crisis, manufactured by legislators (and "aided and abetted" by the President), who
then proceeded to handle it so incompetently that they turned it into a real one.
.   And we off to the races with another powerful column by the Pulitzer Prize winner.He outright calls the fiscal cliff "bogus" - and asks that we never again use those words.
He says our leaders really did not decide much of anything, and all we as a nation gained from the show was to avoid temporarily the
hardships that its elected leaders were bizarrely threatening to impose on the citizens who elected