Saturday, January 19, 2013

Daily Kos: "Memory is a motherf*&%er"

Daily Kos: "Memory is a motherf*&%er":

"Memory is a motherf*&%er"

Okay, so I cleaned that up a bit.
I am sure you can appropriately replace the *&% with uck and have it appear as it does in the original, at the beginning of the remarkable memoir by Bill Ayers, Fugitive Days.
I am posting this at Bill's request, since the book is now available here as an audio book
On a personal note, I have reviewed several of Bill's books for a variety of outlets.  My review of the 3rd edition of his To Teach, the Journey of  Teacher was the 2nd most downloaded review at Education Review in 2010, just ahead of my review of Diane Ravitch's blockbuster book.
Too many people are still trying to refight the battles of almost half a century ago.  Some get embarrassed when linked to figure of that period of divisiveness in American politics and culture, one that may soon pale when compared to what we now may be facing.  One of for me the lowest moments in Obama's public career is when he tried to dismiss his connection with Bill as being with some English professor who lived in the neighborhood when Ayers opened his home to help the now-President with his political career, and when they had together sat