Friday, January 18, 2013

Caught In Their Own Web Of Deception and Deceit: Bloomberg, the DOE and Teacher Evaluation Negotiations | Edwize

Caught In Their Own Web Of Deception and Deceit: Bloomberg, the DOE and Teacher Evaluation Negotiations | Edwize:

Caught In Their Own Web Of Deception and Deceit: Bloomberg, the DOE and Teacher Evaluation Negotiations

After he blew up the teacher evaluation agreement that had been reached between the UFT and his own NYC DOE negotiating team, Mayor Bloomberg appeared at a hastily called press conference yesterday to spin an entirely fictional account of what had transpired. The UFT had made agreement impossible, he claimed, because of our unreasonable demands for more arbitration dates that would make it impossible to “fire bad teachers,” our “last minute” insistence upon a sunset clause that would have made the entire system a “joke,” and a “middle of the night” effort to change the scoring metrics for teacher evaluation so “no teacher” would be rated ineffective. Each of these claims is a lie, pure and simple. Here I will address the last two of Bloomberg claims, as I was personally involved in the negotiations around them.*
To finalize an agreement over teacher evaluations in New York, two different documents must be developed: a