Thursday, January 31, 2013

Borrowing another $1.5 Billion for UConn… OMG, Wait, What? - Wait, What?

Borrowing another $1.5 Billion for UConn… OMG, Wait, What? - Wait, What?:

Borrowing another $1.5 Billion for UConn… OMG, Wait, What?

According to a breaking story from the Hartford Courant, “Science, technology, engineering and math programs at the University of Connecticut could get a $1.5 billion boost over the next decade, with the intention of creating a pipeline of talent that will yield substantial returns for the state workforce and economy.”
Governor Malloy has scheduled a press conference for later today to explain his initiative, but Kathy Megan of the Courant writes that the so-called Next Generation Connecticut program would:
“Increase faculty in science, technology and engineering by 258 at the three campuses, in addition to 290 new faculty the university is in the process of hiring.
Outdated classrooms, laboratories, research space and infrastructure on the Storrs campus would be renovated and new housing would be designed for the students.
The Stamford campus would expand its digital design program, creating a school of fine