Tuesday, December 11, 2012

“UNCLE AL’S CABIN” « Teachers Fight Back

“UNCLE AL’S CABIN” « Teachers Fight Back:


Illinois retired teachers need to continue to fight the media and powerful interest groups that are trying to convince the public that the average retired teacher’s pension is quite lucrative. We need to have a blockbuster public relations campaign and or some extremely influential periodical.  A best-selling book that shows a retired teacher in financial difficulty would be ideal. We need to get everyone in Illinois feeling sorry for Illinois retired teachers. What better way than to produce a best-selling book that would be loosely based on a troubled retired teacher ? We need a modern-day Harriet Beecher Stowe to write a potential best seller that would do for Illinois retired teachers what “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” did for the anti-slavery movement.
I suggest someone help me to write a book about my own situation. The book would be titled, “Uncle Al’s Cabin”. My real financial situation is very modest. My pension after 22 years of public teaching is only $26,000 a year.   I had 17 years in private schools and only get a pension of $2,4000 a year. That’s correct, $200 a month. I should get $900 a month from Social Security for all my many extra jobs I worked throughout my lifetime, but NO, because I have a public pension I don’t get what I should from Social Security. My secondary insurance is