Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Visions of Common Core Standards Which Dance in the Heads Florida’s Leaders Doesn’t Snuff Out the Reality of More Tests | Scathing Purple Musings

The Visions of Common Core Standards Which Dance in the Heads Florida’s Leaders Doesn’t Snuff Out the Reality of More Tests | Scathing Purple Musings:

The Visions of Common Core Standards Which Dance in the Heads Florida’s Leaders Doesn’t Snuff Out the Reality of More Tests

Associated Press reporter Bill Kaczor takes  a comprehensive look at Florida’s transition to national Common Core Standards. Interim state education commissioner Pam Stewart glows predictably as Common Core “is about the skills required in Florida.” This description by Kaczor sums up why the whole this is a big head scratcher:
The new standards in math and language arts aren’t as broad as the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards they are replacing, but are deeper. Students will study fewer ideas and facts, but they’ll be expected to know more about those they do study.
And this from Stewart:
Common standards will make state-to-state test score comparisons “more apples to apples” than