Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Asperger's Syndrome

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Asperger's Syndrome:

Asperger's Syndrome

The Newtown shooter was said to have Asperger's Syndrome which is on the spectrum of autism.  These people are considered the high-functioning end of that spectrum (even as they face very real and distinct challenges.)

One thing to make clear - Asperger's is NOT mental illness.  It is a neurobiological condition.  While some mental illness, like schziophrenia, does have a biological basis, Asperger's is not defined in that category.

After saying that, based on my own personal experience with Asperger's, I suspect the shooter DID have mental health issues in addition to his Asperger's.  It may have been depression, anxiety or bio-polar.

From news reports, it seems clear that he was did have a diagnosis of Asperger's and his high school knew about it.  His mother had to come to the school sometimes if he was having issues.  But all reports were that he kept to himself, that staff watched over him, the other kids were generally nice to him and that there was no evidence he was bullied.

(Indeed, Aspies are far more likely to be bullied or be victims of crime than be violent.  They can get easily